our vision
and mission
Our mission is to make use of artificial intelligence for mitigating the societies impact on the environment. We’ve arrived at a moment in our history in which we must take concrete actions to revert the damages caused by our lifestyle on the environment. These damages range in different domains but mostly impact the weather, our health, and our welfare. We believe artificial intelligence is one of the most powerful resources to accomplish this change and for that reason, we have chosen this enterprise as our mission. Deep Ambiente is artificial intelligence for a healthier environment.

deep ambiente
Deep Ambiente starts off in 2015 as a Ph.D. and postdoc research group at Universidade of Federal Santa Catarina, Brazil. In that year, Marlon Henrique Teixeira was coming back from the United States where he was doing part of his Ph.D. at University of California, in San Diego, and finds Leonel Teixeira Pinto doing outbreaking researches at his Neuroengeenering lab at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
They decide to sum up their forces, along with other professors of the same university, to make groundbreaking researches and innovative approaches to different topics involving neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and so on. Aiming to obtain more resources and quickness for making science, Marlon decides to found an artificial intelligence Startup, which was called ShiftOne Artificial Intelligence. Suddenly the group got a contract to develop a project for the Nexa Resources Company through the Mining Lab Challange, in 2018.
At this time Leonel was exclusively dedicated to the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he taught as a full professor. In the next year, ShiftOne was selected to develop the energy disaggregation project along with the companies Engie Brazil and Senai – now with Leonel making part of the group. This project changed the course of the Startup which used to be seen as a simple machine learning service provider and now has the mission to make our environment a better, healthier, and cleaner place to live in. This reorientation, focused mainly on energy efficiency, has motivated the company’s name change to one that could better represent this new moment, namely: Deep Ambiente. The word “deep” is for deep learning, which is one of the most profitable technics in artificial intelligence today, and “Ambiente” means “environment” in Portuguese. In 2020, Deep Ambiente has been chosen to be accelerated by the Eletrobras Lab Procel, and elected the best scientific group among all the competitors. Today, the Deep Ambiente has different solutions for energy efficiency along with many partnerships for making our environment a better place to live.

Márlon henrique teixeira
CEO and data scientist
Márlon Henrique Teixeira holds a doctorate in philosophy of science and sciences of cognition from the Federal University of Santa Catarina with a sandwich doctorate from the University of California at San Diego. He also has a post-doctoral internship in cognition at the Department of Engineering and Knowledge Management, at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Márlon is a founding member of Deep Ambiente with more than five years of experience as a data scientist and also one of the “Top Rated Plus” data scientists on the UpWork platform, where he has provided data analysis services to more than a hundred clients around the world.
He has also been a research partner for more than six years at Neurolab, a computational neuroengineering laboratory. He is the mentor and developer of the Virtual Energy Disaggregation projects, developed in partnership with Engie and SENAI/RJ, and the Energy Use Intensity Benchmarking.

Leonel Teixeira Pinto
CTO and data scientist
Leonel Teixeira Pinto is a Chemical Engineer (Federal University of Paraná – 1972), Master in Production Engineering (Federal University of Santa Catarina – 1987) and Doctor in Chemical Engineering (COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – 1994) with sandwich at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA.
Leonel is currently Prof. Retired holder of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Has experience in Chemical Engineering, with emphasis on Computational Modeling and Process Simulation, Separation Processes, Adsorption and Supercritical Extraction. He has worked in different areas of research such as Computational Neuroengineering, mainly on the following topics: cerebral blood flow, cellular metabolism, interaction between neurons and glia cells, modeling by biologically plausible neural networks of the visual system and plasticity.
He is the founder and principal investigator of Neurolab, a computational neuroengineering laboratory. He works at Deep Ambiente as a data scientist in the Energy Disaggregation project and was coordinator of the Lab Procel Project.

Patrick Antonio Morelo
Patrick Antonio Morelo has a degree in Physics (State University of the Midwest -2015), a Master’s in Physics (Federal University of Santa Catarina – 2017) and a Doctoral Student in the Graduate Program in Physics (Federal University of Santa Catarina – Current ).
He has experience in the area of Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems. He works in Computational Neuroscience and Computational Cardiovascular Science, mainly on the following topics: modeling the dynamics of the cardiac action potential and the visual system of mammals.
He has also been a research partner for more than six years at Neurolab, a computational neuroengineering laboratory. He has worked at Deep Ambiente as a full developer and data scientist in Benchmarking projects for energy use intensity

Aline emanuely berté
Aline E. Berté is a graduate student in Software Engineering (Universidade Anhanguera – UNIDERP, 2021-present).
Aline is a Software Engineer at Deep Ambiente working mainly in the area of design, web and mobile development (Android and IOS).